Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hush, baby. Mama's watching her stories.

Mab and I have discussed (at length) ABC programming, and we agree that Dating In the Dark is just one among many shows that we're willing to waste our time scrutinizing. We'd like to think that we have an important obligation as members of society to understand what folks are thinking, but let's be honest here... we don't know!

There was a time when a thing like Days of Our Lives was enough drama for us as a people. MTV's Real World snuck in, and we all thought: hmmmmmmmmm. Enter Big Brother. And more seasons that we'd like to count of Rock of Love. Now it's an unabashed emotional exploitation reality programming free for all! But I think you would concur that those who decide to participate kinda deserve what they get. Namely, public humiliation. Somewhere, Adam Corolla is agreeing with me in the form of a screaming rant.

Voyeurism. We do it. We like it. I'll be the first to admit that I'm a voyeur right down to my core. One time in the girl's locker room in junior high, I was called out for staring at another girl (by her) while she was changing. It's true. I was staring. But I wasn't thinking what I suspect she thought I was thinking. Actually I'm not sure at all what she was thinking I was thinking. But in my defense, I'm never not staring as if I don't think others can see me. I keep forgetting that I inhabit a human body, so it's mostly observational. In case you were wondering, that girl went on in high school to become one of the sluttiest girls in my class, and she also got a giant cross tattooed all over her back, which she proceeded to show to everyone she came into contact with, including me. Saw that coming.

But I digress. Why do we love to watch others act? Why do we so enjoy seeing them feel? Or fail, or succeed? Is it a vicarious thrill? Do we feel closer to them or to human, or further away? Is it empathy? Do we learn anything? I'm not sure why we do it, or why some of us are willing to let others see us in action, or why some of us aren't willing. I've never been particularly skillful at understanding the motivations of others. Regardless, I think Dating In the Dark has something to offer every person, NPC or not.

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