2. I'm sorry you had a bad day. I don't have the answer that you need about y(our) situation, but I'm confident, as per usual, that things will be okay. It makes sense. Now that we're done worrying about my bisnass, it's time to worry about yours. Always happens that way.
3. I was reading back on some of our older posts and realizing how terribly lame we are for neglecting this blog. I vow to put forth a greater effort.
4. You haven't yet participated in our Accountability Partner series whereby you were supposed to review a gourmet meal and get your review published. I think this is probably because you're with child, and your taste buds got messed up. (Nice going, Hankster.) I think things will go back to normal once you recover from the disease that is pregnancy. It can wait.
5. Can you please remember to borrow the first Harry Potter so Stella and I can watch it together, for crying out loud? Also, grab Sherlock Holmes.
Good talk.